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02 9252 9262

Plastic Surgery


From “Mummy Makeover” to “Post Pregnancy Reconstruction”: What’s Behind the Change?

post pregnancy reconstruction

Pregnancy is a time your body goes through many changes. You may develop stretch marks, be left with excess skin in the abdominal area and an accumulation of fat on different parts of your body. It is also not unusual to notice changes to your breasts during and after pregnancy. It is possible you may find yourself wanting a mummy makeover which is now called post pregnancy surgery to address different areas of your body. Mummy Makeover has a Name Change What was commonly known as a mummy makeover is now ...
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8 Tips for a Safe and Quick Breast Reduction Recovery

Breast Reduction Recovery

Large breasts cause some women physical and emotional issues. A breast reduction can impact your life in a positive way, especially if your breasts cause pain, embarrassment or make it difficult to lead an active life. If you are thinking of having breast reduction surgery, the following are eight tips for a safe breast reduction recovery. Healing Process after Breast Reduction Surgery The healing process after a breast reduction can take several months. How you look after yourself during the recovery process is important to getting the best results. 1. Carefully ...
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Otoplasty for Kids: A Parent’s Perspective and Guidance


If your child has oddly shaped ears, or they are overly large or stick out too far from their head, others may bully them at school because of their looks. This can have emotional consequences such has not wanting to go to school, poor academic performance and low self-esteem. Surgery for protruding ears (otoplasty) can correct the appearance of your child’s ears. Otoplasty surgery has become more common over the years. Parents are now more aware of how ears can impact their child’s confidence and self-esteem. While many parents may want ...
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Overcoming Excessive Sweating: Sydney’s Top Hyperhidrosis Solutions

Sydney's Top Hyperhidrosis Solutions

Excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis, is a relatively common condition affecting about 2 to 3% of people. Not only can it affect your underarms, but also your hands and feet and, sometimes, your scalp, neck and face. Everyone sweats when they are hot, so sweating excessively all the time can negatively impact your life both physically and emotionally. If you find yourself sweating on a cold day, you may be looking for hyperhidrosis relief in Sydney. Impact of Hyperhidrosis Hyperhidrosis can be embarrassing socially, at work, during physical activity and ...
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What to Consider When Deciding on Breast Reduction in Sydney

Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts can cause physical and emotional distress, so you may be considering  breast reduction surgery. Also called reduction mammoplasty, your surgeon removes excess fat, glandular tissue and skin to make the size of your breasts better suit the size of your body. Women with large breasts may suffer with chronic back, shoulder and neck pain, and irritated skin under the breasts. This can make it difficult to lead an active life. You may also be self-conscious about your breast size which can affect your self-esteem. Understanding Breast Reduction ...
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Beyond the Surgery: How to Preserve Your Abdominoplasty “Tummy Tuck” Results


Maybe you are considering having a tummy tuck (an abdominoplasty) and wonder how long it lasts. It is life changing for a lot of women, so what is it? A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure performed as a single procedure or as a part of body contouring. After losing a lot of weight or pregnancy, the results of the stress on the muscles can cause rectus diastasis. This is the separation of the long muscles in your abdomen which leaves excess sagging skin that lacks elasticity. Even with exercise, ...
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Body Contouring After Weight Loss: Sydney Cosmetic Surgery Options

Body Contouring

It takes hard work to lose weight. Changing to a healthier lifestyle can be challenging and you need perseverance, especially when losing a large amount weight. Finally you reach your target goal and feel overjoyed. Only one thing, you may be left with excessive sagging folds of skin which may put a dampener on your achievement. Trying to hide the skin does not work, so removing it becomes an option. Specialist plastic surgery can help to remove or tighten excess skin and reshape affected parts of your body. Body contouring ...
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Men’s Gynecomastia Surgery: What to Know and What to Ask

gynecomastia surgery

Understanding gynecomastia is essential to knowing whether it needs treatment or not. Often called “man boobs”, gynecomastia is a common problem that can develop during the teenage years. It usually disappears as an adult. It is not life threatening and adult men can develop it which may impact their self-esteem. Gynecomastia is when the breast tissue grows larger than normal and the tissue around the nipple starts to feel rubbery and spread across your chest. This tissue can be painful or tender to touch. Changes to your breasts may be ...
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Facial Feminization Surgery in Australia: A Comprehensive Guide

Facial Feminization Sydney

Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) is a range of facial and neck procedures for transgender women to align facial appearance with their female gender. Transgender women may elect to undergo facial feminisation surgery (FFS) so their appearance matches how they see themselves. Facial features such as the jaw line, eyes and brow are inherently gender specific and are on show for the whole world to see, while other parts of the body may be easier to hide. For transgender women, feminising their face can be a critical part of transitioning. While ...
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Nipple and Areola Makeover: Cosmetic Enhancement Options

Nipple and Areola Makeover Sydney

If you are concerned with how your nipples or areolas look, this can cause you stress and other issues. This is understandable. They are central features of your breasts whether you are a female or male. Luckily, there are surgical procedures that can help you achieve the results you want. Whether it is to correct inverted nipples, reduce the size of your nipples or areolas, a specialist plastic surgeon can let you know the best options and whether you are a good candidate for enhancement. Who are Good Candidates for ...
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