Sometimes the greatest concern for cosmetic plastic surgery patients isn’t the surgery or the recovery, but  shutterstock_78574000rather the whole process of “going under”. In recent years, general anaesthesia has taken great comfort and safety strides, reassuring patients that they will have a safe and comfortable surgery. Modern anaesthetics are also much less likely to cause nausea, and pain management is better and safer than ever before.

While general anesthetics have improved significantly over the years, there are still some concerns to address with any surgeon prior to going under the knife. Because some of these potential, but unlikely, risk factors can be life threatening, addressing any concerns well ahead of time is the best plan of action.

Ask Any Burning Questions

The anaesthetist details should be provided, and any particular questions can be directed to them. Because they have been trained in anesthetics, this team of individuals is generally the most knowledgeable source on site regarding lingering concerns. They can answer specific questions pertaining to any relevant information in your medical history that might affect your anesthesia. This can settle many concerns prior to a surgery and help a patient remain calm when the time comes to be anesthetized.

Consider Any Relevant Family History With Anesthesia

Although it is rare for a genetic trait to affect the way in which a person responds to anesthesia, it is possible for someone to be predisposed to certain complications that still occur. If anyone in your family has had a bad reaction to anesthesia in the past, it is important to be redundant and make sure that everyone knows about it that might be caring for you. This includes nurses, doctors and of course, anaesthetists. Whilst this circumstance is very rare, repeating oneself is an important necessity to protect against any complications that might arise.

Listen To Your Doctor

The best way to avoid any complications with anaesthesia is to listen to the directions that a doctor gives you. This includes specifications about eating, especially, because food in the stomach during surgery can have severe repercussions. None of the tasks that a doctor provides a patient are extensive, or difficult. However, all of them reduce common risks associated with anesthesia and can reassure a patient prior to surgery that everything is going to be just fine.

So, Is There Really Any Reason To Worry?

Despite major medical advances and ways to reduce risks, many people remain concerned about being under anesthetics for a long, or short, period of time.
If you’re considering cosmetic plastic surgery but have concerns about anaesthetics, contact Dr Steve Merten at Pure Anesthetics today on 9252 9262 for a Sydney cosmetic plastic surgeon with the necessary expertise to put your concerns to rest.