There are 5 main cosmetic procedures that may be performed by a Sydney cosmetic surgeon as part of vaginal rejuvenation. These are:

1. labiaplasty
2. clitoral hood reduction
3. labia majoraplasty
4. monsplasty
5. vaginoplasty

1. Labiaplasty

During labiaplasty the excess skin and tissue of your labia minora are trimmed, and the incisions are sutured. This type of cosmetic surgery can relieve any discomfort or embarrassment caused by labia minora which droop and sag below the lips of the labia majora. The procedure may be performed with local anesthesia and an oral sedative or general anesthesia may be used instead.

Dissolving sutures will be used so there is no need to return for suture removal, and you may be prescribed medication for any pain or discomfort that you experience. Many Sydney plastic surgeons offer labiaplasty cosmetic surgery, but they are not all equal when it comes to training, skill, and experience.

2. Clitoral Hood Reduction

In almost all cases a Sydney plastic surgeon will perform a clitoral hood reduction when a labiaplasty is performed, in order to remove excess skin around the clitoral hood and prevent a top-heavy appearance once the labia minora are trimmed down.

The surgeon will mark the tissue to be removed when the labia tissue is marked, and there are many different incision techniques that may be used. The specific incision pattern used will be decided by your cosmetic surgeon and will be based on your specific anatomy.

3. Labia Majoraplasty

Labia majoraplasty is a cosmetic surgery performed by a cosmetic plastic surgeon which can remove excess fat, skin, and tissue from the labia majora. If you have enlarged or excessive labia majora then you may be embarrassed to wear certain snug clothing because this can create a bulge in the pubic area.

Aging, childbirth, and weight loss can all cause your labia majora to become enlarged, elongated, and droopy. A labia majoraplasty using a skilled and experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon can give you a more aesthetically pleasing appearance and more confidence during intimacy.

4. Monsplasty

Monsplasty is another common cosmetic surgery procedure performed by Sydney cosmetic plastic surgeons. During this operation the surgeon will remove any excess skin and fat in your mons pubis, and then tighten up and lift the tissues and muscle in the treatment area. This will give you a smaller mons pubis that looks more natural. This cosmetic procedure may also improve urinary function in some cases.

5. Vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty involves using cosmetic surgery techniques in order to tone and tighten the walls of the vaginal canal and the vaginal opening. This is what many patients refer to as vaginal rejuvenation, and Sydney cosmetic surgeons have seen an increase in requests for this type of plastic surgery in recent years.

Many women choose to undergo vaginoplasty because of childbearing, but aging can also cause a loss of tightness in the vaginal walls and opening. This can lead to a loss of sensitivity during sexual intercourse, displeasure at the appearance of your vagina, and even physical discomfort at times. An experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon can help you find the right solution to your needs and goals.

To find out more about any of these vaginal rejuvenation methods, or our other cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures, please contact Pure Aesthetics on 02 9252 9262 or send us an enquiry.