nose-woman-faceA common concern for many patients undergoing rhinoplasty is how much downtime they’ll have following surgery. We understand that you want to look and feel like yourself again as soon as possible, which is why we strive to help you get through the recovery with minimal complications and to return to your daily routine sooner rather than later. Dr Steve Merten takes the time to help you understand what to expect at each stage of recovery, while providing you with post-operative care instructions to ensure a swift and safe rhinoplasty recovery.

Immediately following your surgery, anesthesia will still be in effect, which should help with the initial discomfort. A splint will be placed over your nose and should be worn for the first week to help protect your nose and aid in the healing process. After the first week, this is typically removed, at which point paper tape will be placed in the area for another week.

You may gradually feel sore, notice swelling, and experience discomfort, but all of these side effects should fade with time. Throughout your recovery, it is crucial that you follow Dr Merten’s post-operative care instructions to ensure you heal properly and limit the risk of developing potential complications.

The results of your rhinoplasty may begin to be seen right away, but due to swelling and bruising, it may take several months to see the final outcome of your surgery. Patients can typically see their full results after a year has passed. It should also be noted that your cartilage can slightly alter with time, so your results may undergo slight changes over the years.

While the entire healing process can take an extended period of time, most patients are able to return to work within two weeks after their rhinoplasty. To help prevent issues from occurring during the recovery, you should avoid strenuous tasks for at least one month.

To learn more about what you can expect during your recovery from rhinoplasty, please contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr Merten.