shutterstock_238359946Our team at Pure Aesthetics offers cosmetic injectables as a non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatment. Although surgery is often required to reach optimal results, many people can achieve their aesthetic goals through less invasive procedures, like anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers. The different types of injectables are used for varying indications. Anti-wrinkle injections, for example, help relax the muscles which over time result in permanent wrinkles. This option can improve the appearance of wrinkles and slow down their progression. Fillers, on the other hand, create or restore volume in areas that may have depleted over time.

To determine the best possible course for helping a patient reach their ideal outcome, Dr Noela Ferch conducts a thorough examination to understand what has caused their fine lines and wrinkles. Such factors that can lead to these signs of aging include loss of volume, lax skin, and muscle movement. While there are general guidelines that indicate which injectable is most appropriate for the patient’s needs, Dr Ferch creates a personalised treatment plan for each patient based on his assessment. Occasionally, patients can benefit from having more than one type of injectable during their procedure, since they may have varying needs.

Stay tuned for our next blog to learn more about this “non-surgical facelift” that combines the different injectable types. To learn if you are a good candidate for cosmetic injectables, please contact us to schedule your consultation.